What is Bibhitaki?

Bibhitaki, also known as Terminalia belerica, is a large deciduous tree known for its remarkable medicinal properties. In Ayurveda, it’s regarded as a rejuvenative herb for overall health.

What is Bibhitaki

Botanical name:   Terminalia belerica,
Sanskrit: Kaliyugalaya, Kalidruma, Aksha, Karshaphala, Bhutavasa, and Bibhitaka

English: Belleric Myrobalan 

Hindi: Baheda, Bahira, and Bahura

Latin name: Terminalia belerica 

The family: Combretaceae

Morphology Research

Bibhitaki Tree

Large deciduous trees with a widely elliptic shape and clustered around the ends of their branches are common in Indian forests.

Bibhitaki Flowers

Greenish-yellow flowers with an offensive odor in axillary spikes.

Bibhitaki Fruits

Green and inflated when young, yellowish and ribbed when mature, stony nut inside.

Medicinal Properties

Ayurvedic properties
Aryuvedic properties
  • Rasa: Kashaya (astringent)
  • Guna: Ruksha (dry), Laghu (light)
  • Vipaka: Madhura (sweet)
  • Virya: Ushna (hot)
  • Doshakarma: Pacifies Kapha and Pitta

Triterpenoids: Cardiac glycoside saponins, bellericoside

Sterols: B-sitosterol

Tannins: Gallic acid, ellagic acid.

Anti-inflammatory, anti-asthmatic, antibacterial, antifungal, rejuvenative, etc.

Uses of Bibhitaki

Respiratory Health
Respiratory Health:

Relieves blocked phlegm, eases bronchospasms.


Promotes deep sleep in Vata disorders


Mature fruit acts as a natural remedy.

Digestive Health
Digestive Health:

Helps in anorexia, flatulence, piles.

Uses of Bibhitaki

External Uses

Wound Healing

Wound Healing: Powder for wound dressing.

Hair growth

Hair Growth: Paste for premature graying and boosting hair growth.


Conjunctivitis: Paste for eyelid application.

External Uses

Home Remedies

Server Cough & Asthma

For Severe Cough and Asthma:

Churna of dried fruit pulp mixed with honey.

Eye Care

For Eye Care:

Decoction of dried fruit as an eyewash.


When should Bibhitaki be avoided?

✔ High Vata, dry cough, and excessively dry skin.

✔ If you take it regularly, you should see effects in four to six weeks.

✔ Yes, nevertheless for specific guidance, it’s beneficial to consult an Ayurvedic specialist.

Health Bibhitaki is beneficial for the respiration system! It improves bronchospasms, coughing, and persistent phlegm. It reduces sputum haemorrhage and works as an all-natural expectorant, both of which may improve lung function. It is also a successful treatment for respiratory disorders due to its bronchodilating and anti-asthmatic properties

Bibhitaki is also famous as a powerful antiviral remedy that may be useful againstboth HIV-1 and viral hepatitis. Furthermore, it may enhance your immunity by combating a lot of pathogens, thanks to its antibacterial and antifungal properties.